Sunday, October 09, 2005


Spent the weekend up at mt cook for nita's 21st. Drove up in my wee bomb on friday nite, arriving up there about midnight. Stayed at the NZAC's Unwin Hut which has wicked views up the Hooker and Tasman Glaciers - definitely a place to go again. Woke up on Saturday morning to falling snow!!! A few cm's on the ground around the hut which was magic. There were about 40 rellies and other random people there - heaps of peeps i hadn't seen for 15 years or so. Went for a wlk up to Hooker Lake in the arvo - well everyone else did while Jo & I ran up and back in a snow storm. Took about two hours and was damn cold but a pretty good track and fabulous views of cook. Cracker day up there today - beautiful and sunny. Walked up to Red Tarns in the snow and took some wicked pics of cook reflected in the tarns. I'm old school when it comes to photos though, so you'll have to wait a while til my slides come back. Actually got quite sunburnt!! Drove back this arvo and trying to psych myself up to go back to work. Hard to get used to 2 day weekends after having 2 weeks off at a time over the winter. Still, could be ducklings tomorrow - that's a good enuf reason to get excited about work.

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