Monday, December 04, 2006

Double whammy

This week you get a pictorial tour of my holiday to the North Island (minus the ones of me in my knitted swimsuit cos those just shouldn't ever be made public).

Lake Wakaremoana/iti nice. boots too small. nasty feet. whirinake gorgeous. boots too small. couldn't walk.

Rotorua fun. conference boring. best student talk. $500 cheque. tequila shot. vomit. nice.

the flight home from rotorua was not nice. hungover. cancelled flight. 3.5hr bus to auckland. lost bags (thankfully not mine). lost car (again thankfully not mine).

phd symposium the next day was a little stressful. changed timetable. still asleep and hour before my talk. best biodiversity talk. $100 cheque. no tequila!

Need holiday from holiday!
There was a canyon in whirinaki
Lake Waikaremoana
where there were swallows
and swans
and a cinabar moth

Lake Waikareiti was nice and sunny

and then it turned to custard!
mental note to self: buy bigger boots!!