Monday, December 12, 2005


is just an excuse for overglorified consumerism and today i did my bit by participating in the madness known as christmas shopping. Wandered the streets of invercargill for hours and hours and spent something horrendous in the order of $400. And the best thing of all....I only spent $30 of that on somebody else. So I now have a horrific credit card bill and i am really no closer to having completed my intended shopping. But i do have a lovely new merino hooded jersey and three pairs of pants and some tops and some lovely kiwifruit fabirc from which to make a skirt for the kiwiana christmas party. ok so that last purchase was a wee bit random and will probably end up being hideous. I had actually gone in to look for some cloak fabirc after being inspired by the narnia movie to make a cloak suitable for summer temperatures but got sidetracked by other crazy fabrics. still who wouldn't want a skirt with kiwifruit.....

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