Monday, August 30, 2010

31 things

Once again I've written a list of things that I'm going to over the next 12 months. It isn't quite finished but I've made a reasonable start without too many things rolling over from previous years. I'm looking forward to an action-packed year being 31!

1. Go to Antarctica
2. Ride Long Bays
3. Submit a sturgeon manuscript
4. Run 500 km
5. Compete in a triathlon
6. Grow a Marlborough rock daisy
7. Publish the whio HQ paper
8. Complete a half marathon
9. Go cycle touring
10. Compete in a multi-sport event
11. Start a post doctoral position
12. Compete in a road bike race
13. Travel internationally
14. Knit/crochet a jersey
15. Compete in a mountain bike race
16. Complete the Crater Rim Trail Run
17. Climb a grade 16 on rock
18. Submit the final whio paper
19. Learn to ride my mountain bike clipless
20. Buy a macro lens
21. Buy a tripod
22. Re-instate my blog
23. Ride a century in a day
24. Spend a night at the Sign of the Packhorse
25. Learn to use Bayesian statistics
26. Crochet a sunhat
31. Go tramping at least once a month (SONDJFMAMJJA)

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