Friday, April 20, 2007


So dear michelle got a cold and i got guilted into taking her place as a demonstrator on the 270 ecology fieldtrip at cass. This was not an entriely bad thing in itself as it's four days of being paid to hang out in a nice part of the canterbury highcountry and id plants and bugs. However, little did i know that....
  1. the other demonstrator wouldn't show, leaving me to do the work of 2 people
  2. at least two of the students plant plots would end up on top of wasp nests
  3. i would have to walk up woolshed hill twice (once is seriously bad enough)
  4. the only time i would get to myself in four days without having to answer incredibly basic questions about excel would be when i went for an 1.5 hr run to escape

But i got some nice pics and didn't have to think about my own stuff for a while, so it wasn't all bad....

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