Tuesday, August 08, 2006

creative urges

sometimes i get the urge to do something creative. but i can't draw or paint to save my life, particularly if it involves having to make something look like something - it just ain't gonna happen. which is where photography saves my arse - you can just point and shoot and after 200 digital shots, something is bound to come out right. Now i'm relatively practical and have delved into woodworking, or at least restoring old broken things in the past. I can sew and knit and have produced a few gems in my time but also a vast wardrobe of things that will never see the daylight. but to be honest, i'm really one of those people who sees something cool and then goes "I could so make that" and then never gets off my lazy arse to do it. I go through fads - last weekend it was mosiacing which got as far as smashing up a whole heap of tiles. I now have a boot filled with broken tiles that will no doubt stay there for the rest of the year. You might well wonder where this diatribe is going. Well....i've found a new fad that is fun, requires little artisitc talent if you have access to the internet and photoshop and turns out cool results. take a look for yourself.....

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