Friday, November 04, 2005


rain....sums up the day really. rained all the way to milford. rained so that the rivers were too high to cross. rained and got me soaking wet trying to cross the rivers that were too high to cross. rained so that i didn't find the ducks that i wanted to because of the rivers that were too high to cross. rained all the way home from milford. still raining now.

on the bright side, had burritos and grolsch with the cool poppy-top lid thingamabobs for dinner. burritos turned out to be mouldy but the grolsch was sufficiently grolschy and came with free glasses. now i have to go outside and get all of the crap of the driveway that i left out there in the brief moment when it wasn't raining and that has now been sitting in the rain for several hours while i got sucked into crap tv *sigh*

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