Thursday, February 01, 2007

New Years Resolutions

So I'm not really one of those people that does the nyr thing because I know that I'm not going to keep them, so what really would be the point. Besides, if you're going to do something, why wait until ny's to get around to making it happen.

This year, however, was an exception. I didn't come up with the usual "get fit", "eat better", "be nicer" sort of list tho. This year I resolved to write a list of things that i have always wanted to do but been too wimpy/unorganised/just damn lazy to get around to doing. This list-in-progress has been stuck to the fridge in my flat and i have to cross off at least two things a week. My original plan was then to blog the list and subsequent crossing off to make sure that things didn't slide after the first few weeks into the general state of laziness that i tend to live in.

So things kinda started out well....except for the blogging bit, which you may have noticed has slipped a little. Well, to be honest, never actually started. So this afternoon (when i really should be doing work) I shall start this venture in earnest (or some other wanky bollocks like that).

The completed list (thus far):
  1. go swimming at the beach in knitted 1930's swimming togs
  2. complete a hard sudoku
  3. buy a gps and go geocaching
  4. ride my bike wearing my spd bike shoes (they still scare me after the cracked rib incident)
  5. become a journal editor (nz natural sciences look out)
  6. go camping up the hawdon
  7. stay at cass and help out with bug picking
  8. start working on my sturgeon manuscripts
  9. sell one of my screenprinted t-shirts
  10. get a photo printed onto canvas
  11. start learning spanish
  12. start a cookie selling venture
  13. make pesto from my homegrown basil

The uncompleted list:

  1. try kite boarding
  2. make a stunt kite
  3. learn to use fire pois
  4. send a letter/email to everyone in my address book
  5. see bad jelly the witch at the theatre
  6. brew beer
  7. make custard squares
  8. host a cranium/cocktail party
  9. bike up dyer's pass road to sign of the kiwi
  10. learn to play another song on the guitar
  11. skydive
  12. walk on fire
  13. go camping at least once a month
  14. do volunteer work on the hen & chicken islands
  15. join weedbusters
  16. organise a luuce event
  17. buy a macro lens

This is a list in progress and i'm sure there is a bunch of stuff i've forgotten but the piece of paper is stuck to the fridge at home. Suggestions welcome.


Dr.B said...

If only I have known, we could have gone to see bad jelly and the witch! I wanted to see it, too!

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine had a similar idea for a list-- 30 things to do in my thirties. Bit of an expanded time frame ensuring greater success. Although one you get to 80 things to do in my Eighties it might get a little tougher