Tuesday, May 16, 2006


for once this morning, I was vaguely organised and managed to get my arse out the door by 8:30 (which, for me, is a minor miracle). Cruising alongside the motorway, the whole pedalling thing started to get quite hard. look down and one dead flat tyre. Now I was a boy scout and, like all good scouts, I know how to be prepared. So i whip the bike upside-down, take off the wheel and remove the tube, replacing it with one that's in my saddle bag. So far, so good. Bust out the bike pump and discover to my horror that the tube has a presta valve which is something my trusty bike pump doesn't want to play with. It's got a thing for schraders. So after mucking about for 10 mins and being laughed at by the men at the tyre shop across the street, i have to pack up my shit and walk my sorry arse to school. Which puts me later to school than i normally am (but at least i had an excuse). The unfortunate thing is that i am now going to have to walk my way back home again and it's frosty out :o(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aha...but no. Twas the wrong type of valve. I too would normally have a repair kit but i had lost the glue.