Monday, November 07, 2005


ran up the tutoko track today in an insane attempt to beat my boss's record for getting to bushline. made it up there in 1:17hrs but was just pipped at the post by a measely 4 minutes. still, he's 6'2 with legs twice the length of mine, so i didn't really stand a chance. caught up with a pair of whio with 5 little ducklings which was cool. probably only about a week old and tiny compared to our monsters at the wildlife park who weighed in at over 300g today. that's over 120g gained in 6 days. not a bad effort, although they do pretty much eat pure protein, so probably not that surprising. found wade with a new unbanded girl which is great. ended up running back down the track in order to be back at the roadend in time for a pick up. made it with one minute to spare but then had to sit there for an hour waiting `cos they got a bit confused up the sinbad. starred in another exciting film session today "finding" some eggs in a nest. would have been ok if i hadn't said that i was going to go and get the truck from the incubator. hopefully that bit ends up on the cutting room floor.

off up the clinton tomorrow, so no more exciting updates for a few days


Anonymous said...

How could going to Clinton not make for great times...

Also, if you are going to Clinton then visiting people in Dunedin, like you never do, isn't that far out of your way...

Anonymous said...

the in the clinton river. not clinton, the three horse town. i will get to dunners one day, sunshine

Anonymous said...

Carried away with my own wishful thinking.